Sonoma County Gazette – May 2023
How CST can support family health – an interview with Gary Peterson, RCST.
Candis Magazine – October 2020
PR Chair, Beatrice Doubble, speaks to Candis Magazine about how CST works and what it is beneficial for, including success stories with vertigo and stress control.
Dancing Times – October 2020
Dancing Times investigates CST and its origins and asks CSTA trustee, Amal Alaoui, to explain how it can help dancers.
What Doctors Don’t Tell You Magazine – July 2020
CSTA trustee, Amal Alaoui, talks to What Doctors Don’t Tell You magazine about the transformative benefits her clients have experienced from CST in How I Heal Stress.
NetDoctor – October 2019
PR Chair, Beatrice Doubble, explains CST and how it works to NetDoctor in Craniosacral Therapy: Does it Actually Work?
Daily Mail – November 2016
Having my head rubbed like a baby cured my stress by Niki Browes for the Daily Mail.