Primary Respiration and the Power of Potency

The Fulcrum, Issue 86 May 2022 We were delighted that Franklyn Sills was able to join this year’s AGM to present his thoughts on primary respiration and the power of potency. A pioneer in the development of a biodynamic approach to CST and Core Process Psychotherapy, Franklyn co-founded and co-directed the Karuna Institute in Devon. … Continue reading Primary Respiration and the Power of Potency

Becoming Fearless: The Journey to Self-Healing

By Maria Esposito The Fulcrum, Issue 84 September 2021 When I first started working with a heart-centred connection, my practice was transformed. I found that working from the heart enabled me to connect with my higher self and strengthen my intuition. Clients commented on the treatment experience and the more I nurtured my heart connection, … Continue reading Becoming Fearless: The Journey to Self-Healing

Long Covid: A Complex Health Crisis That Needs Individualised, Integrated & Holistic Support

by Viola Sampson The Fulcrum, Issue 83 May 2021 In November 2020, in the UK alone, there were already more than 186,000¹ people suffering from long-term symptoms following COVID-19, the illness caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2.  With the surge of cases that followed over the winter months, that number is expected to have risen significantly. … Continue reading Long Covid: A Complex Health Crisis That Needs Individualised, Integrated & Holistic Support

Feet as a Gateway to Intuitive Healing

By Monica Anthony The Fulcrum, Issue 82 January 2021 I first came to work with feet whilst a professional musician and the musical correspondences of resonance, consonance and dissonance came easily as a useful language. Steiner wrote that one day we will tune the body like a musical instrument and I have always felt the … Continue reading Feet as a Gateway to Intuitive Healing


By Katherine Ukleja The Fulcrum, Issue 80 May 2020 Wise, seeing, feeling, thinking fingers W.G. Sutherland Touch is the cornerstone of craniosacral therapy. There are many manual therapies and ours relies on highly-refined, gentle, mindful touch, attuned to subtle phenomena. As practitioners, we use our entire sensorium and employ whole-body listening including interoception, regarded as … Continue reading Touch

Look After Yourself Properly and Your Tinnitus Will Take Care of Itself

by Julian Cowan Hill MA UKCP RCST When you work with hundreds of people with tinnitus, certain patterns become clear. The core issue seems to be learning how to let go at a deep level and, once a person becomes able to do this, symptoms get better. In this article I want to show that … Continue reading Look After Yourself Properly and Your Tinnitus Will Take Care of Itself