CST Awareness Week 2019: Integrated Healthcare

by Beatrice Doubble The Fulcrum, Issue 79 January 2020 There has been an explosion of interest in wellbeing and holistic healthcare over the past few years, and the latter has become increasingly acceptable, if not the preferred choice, for many people who aren’t getting their needs met through conventional medicine. With increased demands on NHS … Continue reading CST Awareness Week 2019: Integrated Healthcare

Co-dependent Arising

BY Mike Boxhall The Fulcrum, Issue 19 Winter 2000 “I think, therefore I am.” is the famous phrase coined by René Descartes. This has become the motto of the modern mind. Descartes championed the mind-matter split. Since then, Western science, philosophy and education have been based on the subject-object divide and the human-nature divide. Much … Continue reading Co-dependent Arising

A Journey into Biodynamics

by Tanya Desfontaines The Fulcrum, Issue 76 January 2019 My journey into healing and craniosacral therapy started along a far more conventional route – with my early working life as a physiotherapist in the NHS. Having trained at the Royal London Hospital, I worked my basic grade rotations through various medical and surgical specialities, and … Continue reading A Journey into Biodynamics

Nicola Brough Wins Researcher Awards

Congratulations to Dr Nicola Brough PhD, winner of two researcher awards in 2018 in recognition of her work in developing and validating The 25-item Warwick Holistic Health Questionnaire (“WHHQ”). WHHQ is a patient-reported outcome measure for assessing changes in health and wellbeing in people receiving craniosacral therapy. It incorporates holistic statements and represents new concepts … Continue reading Nicola Brough Wins Researcher Awards

Touching Lives: How CST Can Help Autism

by Miki Ettore The Fulcrum, Issue 75 September 2018 My 12-year-old son, Finley, who has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), was the inspiration behind my decision to learn Craniosacral Therapy (CST). I never imagined that one day I would be working as a full-time therapist. I have now helped over 100 families with children on the … Continue reading Touching Lives: How CST Can Help Autism

Across the Generations, Through the Shadows

by Matthew Appleton The Fulcrum, Issue 75 September 2018 Don’t try to improve nature. Try, instead, to understand and protect it. Wilhelm Reich Ancestral Health Some of the health problems that we all struggle with are the results of influences that go back generations. In ‘holism’, an individual ‘whole’ can not be thought of in … Continue reading Across the Generations, Through the Shadows

Defining Craniosacral Treatment for Today’s Clients

by Amal Alaoui The Fulcrum, Issue 74 May 2018 Some time ago my teenage son flippantly described my work as “massaging people’s brains”! His observation, which was based on first-hand experience of treatment, gave us something to chuckle over together while I pondered the possibility that I would be defining how I work as a … Continue reading Defining Craniosacral Treatment for Today’s Clients