Mission Impossible? A Journey Out of Autism

by Denise McCann The Fulcrum, Issue 25 Winter 2002 It’s hard to know where to start talking about Liam. I suppose I should describe the community I live in first and my own situation when I first met him. I live in South Galway, near the Clare border in Ireland. It’s a rural area with … Continue reading Mission Impossible? A Journey Out of Autism

The Path Taken Away – Adoption, Ancestry and the Shadow Self

By Sue Harding The Fulcrum, Issue 46 Winter/Spring 2009 One evening I was sitting with a friend in a café while she perused her new books on numerology. We laughed as she read out her ‘findings’ based on the mathematics of her name. She tried different combinations, with and without her middle name, just to … Continue reading The Path Taken Away – Adoption, Ancestry and the Shadow Self