Demonstrating the benefits of CST.
A number of studies have been published worldwide demonstrating how clients have benefited from receiving craniosacral therapy.
General pain A systematic review (2012) found that “pain and quality of life/general well-being can be improved by the use of craniosacral therapy”.
Chronic pain A systematic review in 2019 suggested “significant and robust effects of CST on pain and function, which are not exclusively explainable by placebo responses or effects due to non-specific treatment mechanisms”.
Lower back pain A Polish study (2014) concluded that “Craniosacral therapy may effectively reduce the intensity and frequency of pain in patients with non-specific low back pain”, “Craniosacral therapy reduces the resting tension of the multifidus muscle in patients with non-specific lumbosacral pain” and “Craniosacral therapy may be clinically effective in the treatment of patients with non-specific lumbosacral spine pain”.
Migraine The results from an Icelandic study (2012) indicated that “Craniosacral therapy can alleviate migraine symptoms”.
Neck pain A 2015 trial showed “CST was both specifically effective and safe in reducing neck pain intensity and may improve functional disability and the quality of life up to 3 months after intervention”.
Quality of life/general well-being A systematic review in 2012 found that “pain and quality of life/general well-being can be improved by the use of craniosacral therapy”.
Fibromyalgia A 2011 trial showed “Craniosacral therapy improved medium-term pain symptoms in patients with fibromyalgia”.